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The week of Dec 23rd will be much different. Sales for all consoles will diminish vastly. There won’t be a single Wii sold this week due to the Wii being completely sold out and Nintendo preparing a replenishing shipment of 100,000 for the next week.

Dec 23rd:

Wii: 0 units

360: 65,000 units

PS3: 19,000 units

The week of Dec 30 won’t have any increases or decreases but the Wii will sell out again due to limited supplies.

Dec 30:

Wii: 100,000 units

360: 75,000 units

PS3: 21,000 units

i'm assuming these are worldwide numbers even though you never specify...

This part doesn't make any sense.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X