Sqrl said:
@yellow, You certainly came off as tired, but I get where you were going =) Anyways, I wasn't so much troubled by the degree of certainty expressed in regards to the theory as I was the lack of expressed understanding on the part of the "acceptor". It is more along the lines that I don't think of myself as having accepted evolution the same way you might say someone "accepts his fate". In other words my point was more that I understand the theory of evolution and believe it to be our best effort at understanding the process to date, I don't just accept that what I've been told of the theory is true or probably true or even close enough....I looked at it and determined it for myself. In short, I place I great deal of emphasis on personal understanding and really dislike the concept of one individual outsourcing their views of science to the mind of another individual. Obviously people can't investigate all scientific claims but I believe those claims that interest or effect someone personally should be. PS - Like I said, the casual sense of the word "accept" is close enough =P |
@ Yellow - Red. Haha, don't worry. I said at the beginning I don't accept it in it's current form. The second part and the red text was attempting to explain how it can be accepted with the knowledge that the current form is "incorrect" but also realise it will be refined into a more accurate and correct theory in the future... But I can see where the confusion came from, I didn't express it very well.
@ Post - That's fair enough, personal understanding is key when reading about a scientific theory. The ability to independently critique theories/hypotheses is the mark of a good researcher. All I know is that I have looked at a lot of evidence and know that whatever comes after the current evolution theory will have to account for all we have learned to be true about the theory so far, which is a lot so it would at least bear fair resemblance. But that's just what I think.