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"and it read like their fucking release list from 2007/2008."

formulated a bit harshly but not without merit. This year the PC/360/PS3 conglomerate had great new IPs like Mass Effect, Bioshock, Assassin's, Uncharted etc. that gave you the possibility to walk through ancient cities teaming with people, look for the treasure of Sir Francis Drake in a beautiful jungle, save the world in a gigantic galaxy or go through dark creepy underwater worlds that went wrong. And people even dare to complain that non-Nintendo gaming is becoming too similar? I mean Nintendo soon needs to fight with Square for double-digit version numbers.

You can say that you like the Nintendo style but the BigN is the epitome of doing the same thing year after year after year after ... Not that it is bad, but the differences between Zelda, Metroid and Mario and their predecessors are mainly doing the same thing but make it a bit better and try to fit in the motion control.