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aragod said:
leo-j said:
aragod said:
Apart from the obvious reason that PS3 games are using blue ray disc, we still have yet to see Xbox game surpass Killzone 2. Till than, there is no real answer to your question, since as of now, the PS3 has the most graphicaly advanced titles.

Actually according to some (I haven't played it yet) MASS EFFECT 2 is fairly close to U2 visually.. but I honestly cannot say whether or not that's true, since I don't own the game.

Well it may be close for some, but the general public really doesn't see it that way. Even professionals of the industry agreed, while huge upgrade over the first, it falls to the above average category. I've completed it twice already on PC on max settings. The best rpg for me this gen, really worth every penny. But it's not visual powerhouse.

The loading times are the killers though, which is what is technically so impressive about Gears, GoW and Uncharted, you can play from start to finish without loading times (certainly Uncharted, I am 90% sure about the other 2)