Damn, that's a hard one. So the scenario is this
Either you get
A) Ps3 + VC, plus MH-Tri and Red Steel 2: Ps3 from your parents. VC, MHTri and Red Steel 2 from other $140 from your family.
B) MHTri, Red Steel 2, Fragile... and? What others games do you see buying for the wii?
Well, if you have other games that interest you on the ps3, and those are all the wii games that you want right now (until x-mas apparently) I'll go for option A. But, if there are more Wii games that you want (at least 4) from this time to let's say... november, and that's the only game you really want from the ps3 right now... I'll go with option B
03/10/09 HUGE day in my life: