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Freestyler said:
any holiday predictions? how many should we expect from each?

Last week the PS3 sold 338,676 consoles.  Soriku posted 539 times in the same time period. On average, Soriku posted once for every 628 PS3s sold worldwide.

With pretty much 4 weeks left of the year, I think we can expect both of these to go up,   PS3 could pull another 2 million sales over the next four weeks, and end up with just under 9 million consoles sold. Soriku, on the other hand, will probably post about 2,750 times, and end the year with 9,500 posts.

At this rate, extrapolating, Soriku will catch PS3 about 20 weeks ago, or the week of the 14th of July, 2007. Using a more accurate extrapolation, taking past sales into account, Soriku will catch the PS3 November 11, 2006.

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