I don't think the appetite is there right now for this among UN members. I expect sanctions plus possible attempts to foster a change of regime and backing of dissident factions.
Also, I have this nagging feeling that most UN countries are hoping Israel will sort it out for us allowing us to wag fingers at them and sound all annoyed while breathing a sigh of relief we didn't have to get involved.
If the main concern is their nuclear capability then, to be cold bloodied about it, killing its research team and destroying all it's facilities should put Iran's progress back for a fair while, and this doesn't require any major invasion or occupation just a series of targeted assassinations and infrastructure strikes - something Israel is perfectly capable of (perhaps with a little covert assistance regarding bunker busting munitions and the like.
Personally, I'd hope to see legitimate political change and avoidance of any conflict whatsoever, but I guess we'll just have to see how it plays out.
Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...