tuscaniman said: The 360 is fully capable of putting out games that look as beautiful as the PS3. Just watch some Alan Wake footage or get ready for some Halo:Reach footage in the future. Enough of the X console is better than X console because this bush is in the corner. Both consoles are pretty much on an even plain when it comes to graphics. Yes Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 are the two top dogs in graphics at the moment, but as I said Alan Wake and Halo:Reach will have something to say about that. |
the thing is you people think ALAN WAKE and HALO REACH look as good as UNCHARTED 2 and KILLZONE 2, based on what has been shown, they aren't even close.. I said it in the last thread, and I'll say it again in this thread. Crysis has nothing to do with FF XIII or LOST PLANET, Crysis isn't even that long to begin with..