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HappySqurriel said:

If you assume that the console manufacturers will release their system in 2011 or 2012, consider how capable a budget (Radeon HD 5770) graphics card is today, and think about what a similar GPU will be able to do when these systems are released. While graphics like this may not be possible at 1080p @60fps, I see no reason why it wouldn’t be possible at 720p @30fps.

well as consoles this gen used high end chips (for when they came out) something like a HD 6850(late 2011 probably)  HD 7850 (2012 maybe) would be more the level oh and HD 57XX is a Mid range card 56XX is budget 55XX is HTPC/low. and with optimization for the hardware 1080p at 60 wouldn't be to hard with little or no AA a 5870 can get upto about 20FPS on enthusiast.

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