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This is for all you Fable II haters.


Fable 3 has more development time-

I know what you are thinking, "But then how come it took so long to make Fable 2, and why is Fable 3 coming in only two years?"

Well you have to remember, much of that time went to making the engine so it probably took them the same time to make the overal game.


Fable 3 is way more effecient it seems-

Did you watch the Dev Diary? Well I did and they said some amazing things about the lighting.

They said that the lighting in Fable 2 took 6 powerfull machines to light just one room and it took like 2 days (I think that's what they said), and the lighting in fable 3 runs on one powerfull machine and takes 4 hours to do! (Amazing improvement!)


Lionhead knows how to use the fable 2/3 engine well now-

This means less lag (Ties into what I said above)

This means there will be less glitches

This means there can be more innovation and a longer campain if there is more available space on the disk

This means the graphics will be improved quite a lot etc...


Lionhead hears players' complaints-

Yes they will know to build a harder game

They will know to build a longer campain, noo need to worry about this stuff!


New features-

They already annouced that Natal will be used (But it will now ruin the game it seems so I'm looking foward to it).

The weapons will change as you use them

They said the dog anomations will be increased quite abit

They give you the option to, punch, kiss, hold hands, hold children using touch so far

They give you the option of judgment when your king

The co-op wont suck ass (they now give you option to break away from the person your playing with, no more lego star wars type view)


Now, my wishlist-

Big boss battles

Add fishing back in with natal

bartending with natal