Nice, yeah I've been meaning to discuss this with you Pyramid Head.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories was a complete blindside for me, I was like Best games of the year Batman AA and NSMB Wii then I get to play Silent Hill to completion and I'm like O_O best horror game ever! It's made me seriously want to go out and collect the whole series and play them eventually.
I hear so many good things about Silent Hill 2 I was thinking they should definitely do a Shattered Memories version of 2 but change it to where you could be randomly brought into the frozen hell world or have something else make things tense every so often even when you're exploring. Like if there is anything to actually gripe about it's that its not that scary during those parts, but even then I was pretty tense cause I just really got into the game, but you know I feel there's always one thing someone could work on and that could make the next game damn near perfect.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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