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Kyros said:

bah the ds doesn't crush anything. The other consoles do not sell less because of the DS (apart from the PSP of course). Its just a different market. Good for Nintendo but pretty much irrelevant to Wii/PS3/360. We could also talk about cell phones crushing the DS because they sell much more and can play games.

but yes DS sales are amazing, although software sales do not keep up outside of Japan.

 So is that why, when I buy a game for the DS and therefore don't have the money anymore to go buy something for my PC or Wii, I still end up buying something for one of the two anyhow?

 Gamers do still have to make decisions whether to buy a DS (system/game) or a PS3/Wii/360 (system/game). The DS reaches a much broader audience than those three do, but that doesn't mean it's a different market. It's the exact same market.


The DS offers absolutely fantastic gameplay that ISN'T just "fun on the run" (like most GB/GBC/GBA stuff historically was), but it still CAN BE "fun on the run" (y'know, stuff you play while traveling and whatnot), and it's a lot cheaper (for the cost of buying a Wii, you can get a DS with as much as five new first-party games... and don't get me started on PS3/360). As a result, of course it'll outsell them. And the best part? It's still bringing in more money, too, despite the much lower pricepoint.
