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Mendicate Bias said:
ssj12 said:
Mendicate Bias said:

Were the same age, don't act like you've been playing games for 30 plus years. Also trust me just by reading your posts it's pretty clear who the fanboy in this argument is. This is not an argument about opinion this is a factual argument about innovation. I listed Halo's innovations yet you failed to list a single one from half-life. You've closed your mind shut so tight you won't even admit that Bungie is a good developer and you actually think the PC is better than all current gen consoles combined, now tell me that doesn't sound like fanboyism.

Its ok though, if you want to continue to pretend like the real world doesn't exist then go on ahead, who am I to stop you. Just don't spout your elitism like its the truth and expect me to take it laying down.

who cares about Half-Life 2's innovations when you cant even put up a defence against the fact Halo's features are not unique and have been done plenty of times in many other games.

But you want to know what Half-Life and Half-Life 2 brings to the table? Its the way Valve created a character in which you can create his individual persona using your own imagination. You can imagine how his convos go, and what his voice actually sounds like. You do not feel as if you are being pushed or pulled towards the end of the game, you feel as if you are on your own adventure forfilling your own duties to save a unique world. Valve has created a very special way to immerse the player into a false reality so by the end of the game the player feels not just accomplishment that they beat the story or game but that they did something special.

I already listed Halo's innovations, if you disagree with them then show me fps games that had;

quick use grenades, regenerative health, 2 weapon maximum for both campaign and multiplayer, animations for getting into and out of vehicles, boarding of enemy vehicles, theater, matchmaking, dual wielding and four player co-op before Halo. If you can't then stop acting like a fanboy and just admit that your wrong.

I never said Half-Life was a bad game. I've played through all the games including the episodes and I can admit that it was fun. God forbid you on the other hand admit that a console fps is good cause your brain might explode. I'm also very familiar with Half-Life's story and I have to say that I think Halo's is far better, you just have to dig a little harder to really get to the meat of the story.

Read this if you want to even have an inkling of what the Halo story is about 

In the end the difference between me and you is that I can admit if a game is good regardless of platform because I'm not blinded by elitism or a misguided feeling of self-righteousness and you clearly can't. Get back to me when you've matured a little.


umm... if you noticed I own many platforms. I love MAG for the PS3, its a great game. I love Resistance. I love Ratchet and Clank.  I find Halo fun to play. I like COD. I like Gears of War.


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