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twesterm said:
ameratsu said:
ph4nt said:

Also it seems Nintendo is the only company serious on cracking down on piracy, rather than EA's completely counter effective DRM, Nintendo goes to the source.


How do Nintendo's actions here show they are serious about cracking down on piracy? They went after one uploader and won. If not him, a dozen others would take his place, some in countries where Nintendo would have difficulty presecuting them. There is no reasonable scenario where Nintendo could prevent this from being leaked on to the internet. Patting Nintendo on the back for going after one moron is one thing, thinking this has a meaningful impact on piracy is another.

How about making an OS for the Wii that isn't a joke security wise, or providing some strong and meaningful deterrant for piracy (like xbla bannings). Or *gasp* allow some of the legitimate functionality that people hack their Wiis to get, so those who want additional functionality don't need to install the homebrew channel.

If there were a magical "stop pirates" button, you would be right, but there isn't.  Pirates will always find a way around so you have to take delight in the little victories.

You are correct that stopping one person will never ever stop piracy but if this starts becoming a habit for Nintendo people sure will think twice before uploading a game to place where just anybody can get access to it.  Again, won't stop everything, but every little bit helps.


Like I said, giving Nintendo a thumbs up for catching one moron and maybe preventing a few people like him from following in his footsteps is one thing. Thinking that stopping and making an example out of one uploader in one country will have any real impact on piracy is completely different and delusional. 

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