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ssj12 said:
Gilgamesh said:
ssj12 said:
Gilgamesh said:


No Metal Gear Solid games, no Final Fantasy (X) games (even Crisis Core deserves to be there), San Andreas was waaaaaay better then III.

I disagree with you. MGS has way to many flaws. Final Fantasy is a great RPG series, but I'd place The Witcher way before FF. And San Andreas didnt revolutionize the third-person action adventure genre like III, because well III was the first in the series to do it and did it well..

I would love to hear your flaws about MGS, because I can't seem to think of any. I believe either IV, III or maybe I should be on the list.

Just the fact its confusing, and since this is about the last decade, MGS4 being the best of the series in the last decade, it has way to many cutscenes.


Frankly, Splinter Cell is the better tactical stealth shooter, imho. Still, I hate these types of games anyways.

Confusing? you must not of played all the Metal Gear Solid games (atleast I - IV). If you did it wouldn't be confusing. Also yeh I guess Metal Gear Solid was made around 1999 so it doesn't count but there's still II, III and IV. A lot of people would say III is the best for me it's a tie between IV. The only confusing MGS game is II and really it's not that bad, just a lot of information being thrown at you at the end. As for cutscenes in MGS4 it was pretty much my favorite part, I was glad to see a cut scene come up.

Also the story alone beats out any game ever made (III and IV), truly a masterpiece of a game.