Metallicube said: Heavily playing: Secret of Mana, FFVII, Modern Warfare 2 Kinda playing but not very much: Brutal Legend, Gears of War 2, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Dragon Age Origins, Scribblenauts. I'm also a few hours into Mass Effect, which I started way back like last year that I never really got around to playing. So I'll probably wax that off soon and eventually get Mass Effect 2. And I want to get back into Fallout 3 soon and play the Broken Steel expansion so I can further advance my guy's level. |
good man
Yeah I just made my Mass Effect character last night so I could quick start things when I finish what I currently have, speaking of Gears I picked the first one up not long ago I should try to work that into needs to be played pile as well.
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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