Netyaroze said:
Wii was once the underdog. But this time is over since 2007. And nobody sees the Wii as dead. Nobody. He dont believe what he wrote for sure. Its impossible to see it this way. Its like saying USA is the country with the weakest economy.
Would you believe me that I believe that ? So why do you believe someone that he thinks such a stupid stupid thing if everyone knows the exact opposite is the case.
So who is actually believing that the Wii is doomed ? Aslong as you know the numbers you cant believe its doomed. here on vgchartz itsmore of a joke but here are all consoles doomed.
So which one of you truly thinks that the Wii is doomed and will be discontinued in the next 1-2 years ?
I explained in my first post why people write such articles.
Wii was once the underdog. Most people havent expected it will be a success but after record breaking years in every possible way (saleswise) Everybody knows that the Wii is a success like never seen before in this industry.
Who still sees Wii as doomed? Only a large portion of those in the game indsutry and gaming journalism.. Maybe not doomed per se, but many still see it as an inferior console (with inferior gamers) that needs to be discontinued in favor of a WiiHD as soon as possible.
But yeah obviously in REALITY it no longer is the underdog.