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Mazty said:
Slimebeast said:

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with u about the importance and quality of Halo, but I wonder how u came to those conclusions about Half life 2.

I don't like HL2 either, because it's linear, indoors, i didnt like the story etc, it's just not for me. But I sort of 'trust' that there must be qualities to this game since so many sophisticated people praise it lol. Just like u implied with the PC Gamer thing. Actually going back 3-4 years I thought this extreme praising of H2 was just a PC Gamer thing (I always subscribed to the magazine), but later i learned that all big online sites and gamers on forums etc seemed to highly appreciate HL2 as well, so then I thought it can't be a thing created by PC Gamer.

I thought there was going to be something to Half Life 2 as well, but I guess it relies to much on an unknown backstory if you'v never played the first, and a dated FPS style.

Even if all the big online sites liked HL2, it could still be just following the verteran opinion from PC Gamer. All the people I know who like it are slightly pretentious, and have great difficulty explaining the games merits - it's all "I like it 'cuz" reasoning, which is the same reasoning I could use to say why any game is 'good'.

The easiest modern day comparison to make is to MW2. Loads of people like it, but some really are adamant that the game is medicore. I think the way to solve these kind of disputes is to have new gamers play the games when they are considered out of the public eye/media and see what they think. If it is good, it should stand the test of time. If not, well that's saying something. For me HL2 hasn't stood the test of time as the first time I played it was a few weeks ago, and really did not enjoy much.

I agree it's slightly pretentious people who are praising it because they 'want' it to be good. I hate pretentious. So did it really start with PC Gamer? That is so interesting, cos I always got that impression like I said.

Heh, I'm glad you posted your little Half-Life 2 rant. I think I'll go back to what my instincts say - that HL2 simply isn't good.