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jarrod said:
letsdance said:

And it hardly matters if bundling made more than 55% of Japans figures when WW GT5P is at 4.6 million, 300k is a drop in the bucket.

You dont realize how small bundling EU actually has. They have lots of games in different areas for short times. Not like in NA that bundles the same game for long periods. So though total bundles in NA could be a couple hundred thousand its of one game when in EU it could be the same amount of bundles but of 5 different games.

lol.  300k is 55% of one major market.  That's most certainly not a "drop in the bucket" and doesn't really reflect all that well for the game.  Unless you can also source bundle figures for the 4.6m worldwide, such a comparison is immaterial at best, and intentionally deceptive at worst.

And no, I don't realize the scale of EU bundling because you've brought nothing credible to the table to inform me.  Source or stop the bullshit.

lol... 6.5% of total WW figures is a drop in the bucket.