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The reviews from this game are ridiculous. I have officially put 20hrs into this game and it is fun and exciting. Im loving the combat system. You can actually form your own combos/finishing moves then name them and add them to your pallette for easy use. Its pretty cool. The story is not the most intriguing, but then again most RPGs's stories dont WOW me except FF and Persona. I cant see how FFXII got rated so high yet this gets rated so low(I liked FFXII mind u although it wasnt exactly FF material).

This game doesnt have many faults to pick from. The game is utterly beautiful for a JRPG. The dialogue hasn't been excessively corny or irritating as of yet, my only gripe being the lip sync is completely off. Combat is Phenomenal but you do spend a lot of time in menus strategizing and equiping different skills and armor. Oh yea, you can see all the armor you have equiped unlike most JRPGs. Im trying to get a Power Rangers thing going on right now :)




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)