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sieanr said:
SpartanFX said:
sieanr said:
SpartanFX said:I can guarantee that Mass effect 2 WILL be announced for PS3.

Really? Why?

So you work in the game industry? Does your uncle have insider knowledge? Are you willing to risk a fair bit of money to illustrate your confidence?

I'll guarantee Killzone 3 is an Xbox 720 exclusive, but since I type under a psuedonymn on the internet, its a pretty meaningless gesture.

don't act so normal once it is announced .act surprised, cause your stance is that it will not happen.

it's funny .when it will get announced, then people like you act so normal and pretend taht it was given /ex[ected all along despite arguing to death against it before it happened.

Better than acting like a pussy and promsing to protest the developer.

If it gets announced for PS3 than no skin off my back. The system could use more quality games. I have no personal interest in wether or not it happens, and lose no money: and thus no reason to act any different.

But some people take such petty, inpersonal losses seriously, since it damages their conceptions of self - which is rather pathetically derived from the products and media they consume, aka video game systems.

I don't even know what your talking about there.

you are here and arguing with everyone that it will not happen so it shows that deep down you don't want it to happen.jsut be man enough to accept the truth and don't pretend like" pussy"(your own wording) that you don't care. ;)


as for Ps3 needing quility titles don't worry last 2 years it had more quality titles than other you should be more worried about those consoles than PS3 ;).