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SlorgNet said:

"Venezuela after Chavez: revitalized society, economy grows fast, civil society expands, poverty rate drops to 30%."


Economy grows fast but just because of the high oil price, Venezuela does not have other important companies, just the oil one, and the government does not attract private investment so there are no jobs! Poverty rate hasn't dropped to 30%,  it's just that Chavez subside some families wich is an act that I support, but he gives them no way out of their dependency on him. Unemployment rate is very high but the government doesn't recognize it because they count the informal sector (people sellign stuff in the street without paying taxes) in the unemployment charts (I believe no other government in the world does that).

If oil price drops a lot it'll hurt Chavez so much I believe he wouldn't be able to sustain his government and there would be rage on the streets of Venezuela, but when you have an oil price that high he will still count on the people's support!