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Russia before Putin: a burnt-out train wreck of a society, multiple civil wars, crashing economy, oligarchs stealing everything in sight, per capita GDP sinks to $1500, Yeltsin steals election in 1996, noone gives a damn.

Russia after Putin: revitalized society, peace and stability return, economy booms, oligarchs jailed or forced to turn legit, per capita GDP skyrockets to $7000, Putin's party wins reasonably fair and open elections.

Venezuela before Chavez: burnt-out train wreck of a society, unbelievable gap between rich and poor, tiny English-speaking elites live like kings, vast majority live worse than pigs, 50% of country in poverty.

Venezuela after Chavez: revitalized society, economy grows fast, civil society expands, poverty rate drops to 30%.

The demonization of Putin and Chavez is a project of very powerful, very devious and very evil American power-elites who don't give a flying %^&* about democracy or human rights and never will.