More specifically, how does one get paid for being a gaming analyst? Even more specifically, how does one get paid 6 figures to do it?
I can think of several VGChartz members that would be very good at this job. I mean, everyone that has hung out on this site has expressed their opinions on what may or may not happen in gaming and is an analyst to a certain extent. Obviously being right or wrong isn't a factor. The most famous "analyst" in gaming today is Michael Pachter and he's almost always wrong.
The reason that I ask is that I want to get paid for being wrong all of the time. It seems like a job that I could get into. Making incorrect predicitions, and getting paid for it, sounds like it would be a lot of fun and is now at the top of list of dream jobs. It has leapt in front of being a movie critic, food critic, or globe-trotting adventurer for me. It sounds like it's so much fun that I might decide to do it for free on this very site.
So what is it? Does one have to be a puppet for the gaming media and say whatever they are told to get paid big time cash for their "predictions"? What do you think? Has anyone ever analyzed how an analyst gets their job?
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