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We're not going to get this data until late April or early May...but here are some guesses at projections for the year ending March 2011.

Shipments in FY 3/2011  / LTD Estimate on March 31, 2011                

DS: 24m / 154.8m

Wii: 18m / 89.4m

PS3: 11m / 46.7m

PSP: 8m / 69.5m

X360: 8m / 48.2m

PS2: 4m  / 147.6m


For the year ending March 2010 I think we'll see:

DS: 27.5m-29.5m

Wii: 20-21m

PS3: 12-13m

PSP: 10m-11m

X360: 9.5m-10.5m

PS2: 6m-7m


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu