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Rushing movie games out to make it in time for the release of the movie almost always makes for a terrible game.  TMNT was another recent example of that.  All the versions apparently have problems, but the Wii graphics are inexcusable.  I know they were on a short development cycle and the wiimote requires more time and resources than the other games which leaves less time for graphics but wow.  Early 360 games may have looked like Xbox games but at least they didn't look like PS1 games.  According to IGN depsite looking like an N64 game (sans fog) it can't even maintain a decent frame rate.

I would hope it sells terribly on all consoles and 3rd party devs learn they can't rush trash like this out the door.  But it won't, they'll make plenty of profit.  Maybe even more than if they took the time and money to release a good game later.  Capitalism is a cruel mistress at times.


For TMNT the console, DS, and PSP versions all got 5.5-6/10 while the GBA version got an 8.5.  For all their gigahertz the Cell and Xenon couldn't match a 16.7MHz handheld.