darthdevidem01 on 31 January 2010
Jin_Shihouin said: Sign me up for the league, Darth! Fastest battle time: 3s Highest CP: 200,000 Number of missions done: 64 Trophies: 36 (100%) Final playthrough time: 55:43 (story) Perhaps I'll try a speed run when the Western version comes out one time. My playthrough time is always pretty long when I 1st beat a game because I'm taking my time. Most categories will turn out to be the same for everyone except the playthrough time, so it would be good if there were some categories to set people's achievements apart. Max CP will turn out to be the same for everyone. Better: Time to beat Rongui (optional enemy) He is also the enemy that gives the most CP. With grow egg equipped (CPx2) it is 200.000 Another interesting category would be time to beat mission 64 (the last mission) since that is really skill based. |
thanks for the idea's!
I'll try to add those sections in
also can I add anything in relating to the crystarium system? is there a way to track how far one has gone? that could also be a good category.
Can I add a category with anything to do with summons?