The basic concept around this is to get YOU the user on VGChartz rating this game.
Final Fantasy XIII is divided into chapters, so it would be good if people could rate each chapter as they are playing along. Ofcourse with your rating a small written "review" for the chapter without spoilers would be great.
Here the table for FFXIII's VGCritics!
Note: All rating must be out of 10 & you can go up to 1 decimal place!

Chapters 1's rating plummets as Fab_GS also comes in to rate the chapters, it seems the feeling that the beginning is "slow" is mutual among our VGCritics! What is clear is that post chapter 2 the ratings are all on a higher level!
Remember -- Keep Rating Chapters as you play the game....spoiler free!
If you want to SIGN UP to be a part of VGCritics, Just say so while posting in this thread

* RPG Site - 85%
* The Lost Gamer - 9
* TheSixthAxis - 8
* Eurogamer - 8
* PushSquare - 3/4
* Digital Spy - 4/5
* Videogamer - 7
* CVG - 9.2
* IGN UK - 8.3
* BritXbox - 7
* X360 Achievements - 82%
* HardGame2 - 9.5
* GamesRadar - 10
* EDGE - 5.
* MS Xbox World - 9
* IGN AU - 8.4
* Nowgamer PS3 8.5/10
* Nowgamer 360 8.4/10
* GameReactor 7/10
* Gamespot - 8.5
* Joystiq (No Score)
* TeamXbox - 5/10
* 1up A-
* GameInformer 9.25/10
* OXM 9/10
* Wired Game|Life review - 6/10
* G4TV 4/5
* RPG Site (Xbox 360 Version) - 70%
* Gametrailers - 8.6
* Gamespy - 4.5/5