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You really want:

Paper mario 2: The thousand year door! 

Resident evil 0-4.

Pikmin 1, 2.

Zelda TP and WW.

Eternal Darkness.

Viewtifull joe.

Skies of arcadia.

Tales of symphonia.

Ssx 3.

Dance dance revolution: Mario mix.

Beyond good and evil

Timesplitters 2 and Future perfect.

Ghost recon.

Super mario sunshine

Metroid 1, 2.

F-zero GX.

Mario kart: Double dash.

Mario party 4.

Soul caliber II.

Final fantasy: Chrystal chronicles.

Donkey kong: Jungle beat.

Wave race: Blue storm.

Monkey ball 1, 2.

Phantasy star online 1, 2. (Yes, online games on Gamecube).

Baten kaitos 1, 2.

Killer 7.

Super smash bros: Melee.