Buzzi said: I know but I didn't thought it was influenced by change of year...DS sold great for all 2009, now 2010 starts, with a new version (and we all know how crazy are japanes people for collecting) and it risks to sell unfer 50k? I'm just not used to these sales...but it's time for DS2! (speaking from a pure consumer perspective). |
I think even from a business perspective it's time for DS2. It can incorporate DS1 capabilities so as to not kill off that market and it can adopt the strongest advantage that the iphone has against DS, which is the ease of buying games from the network (so it would need phone network integration). Neither of DSi's ways of buying DSiWare are particularly user friendly or convenient (credit cards and points cards), connecting to a network and using network credit is far simpler.
A game I'm developing with some friends:
It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.