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This isn't a knock against you, takeru51, but a comment on gaming in general. There are certain types of gamers who expect a game to behave in a certain way, and when a game doesn't, it automatically repels them. I can understand how someone would feel this way about Shadow of the Colossus; it has a very atypical design, and it has to be come to in its own terms, not the player's terms. Another example of this is P.N. 03; many people who played this game did not understand the design choices and thus hated the game, but if the game is played to the strengths of its design, it's actually quite well-made.

I'm not sure if this explanation comes across very clearly. Basically, sometimes you have to let a game dictate to you how it should be played, instead of the other way around, or you will not be able to appreciate it. This often results from those game designs that are most singular and non-standard.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.