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Gamerstek 7.4/10

Pretty much they say it suffers because it doesn't have a single player campaign and then kind of tacked on that some people will go gung ho instead of follow the team.

In general the game is well done, with a good gameplay and good graphics, with particular emphasis on the maps.Failure, however, a distinction of the richest teams, both of skills, both in relation to the course of the game (not very noticeable separation of the PMCs by clothing during a battle). By fauling to offer a single player side only (ie, different from the way Suppression) still runs the risk of corrupting the main objective of the game - to be a massive multiplayer game with people to work together to achieve certain goals - losing some supporters to "shoot to kill". In the cases, what may begin as a game concept (enough) interesting can become, for whom it is interested in a frustrating experience.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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