Mummelmann said:
Of course they do, which is my point. No matter how many retro games you launch/re-release on the consoles they'll never hold a candle to the PC in this regard. To say otherwise is very strange to me. Why do people always disregard the PC as a gaming platform in every thread in here? To me, it is still a vastly superior gaming platform and has been since the late 80's (I'm not trying to coerce you into thinking the same but the utter disregard for any and all things PC in here to make other platforms stand out and shine is ludicrous imo). |
Too bad that notion falls on deaf ears when you're talking console gamers and the general masses that have to get the "PC Guy" of their families to show them how to look up, install and work firefox...
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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