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one game ever overall either shining force 3 or metal slug... or megaman 2, maybe Kof 96
per system
360 earth defense force 2017, don't care what anyone says I like it
ps3, nothing yet, nor do I own one yet, but probably killzone 2 once it is out,
wii, at the moment nothing too many games I like that haven't had time to settle into my brain to narrow it down just to one but I guess probably Excite Truck
gamecube RE 4
xbox uhhh, silent hill 2 maybe
ps2 Shadow of the Collosus
dreamcast sonic adventure
saturn shining force 3,
ps1 silent hill
64 goldeneye
virtua boy, red alarm, I like it, though I rarely play it on the grounds I like eyesight a whole lot more
genesis shining force 2
snes, bomberman 5
Jaguar Raiden, of exclusive games either Iron Soldier or AVP
3do Super street fighter 2 turbo
neo geo Metal Slug
Tg-16 Parasol stars
master system, uhh outrun sort Golden Axe warrior
7800 robotron
nes megaman
vectrex, minestorm, but that's built into the system
5200 Missile Command
intellivision thunder castle,
colecovision, urgh burger time
2600 Asteroids
RCA studio 2, nothing its the worst system in existence bar none, anyone going about saying the xbox or 64 or anything absurd like that should have to spend a couple hours with that piece of work
microvision blockbuster
lynx chip's challenge
gameboy tetris
gamegear shining force
neo geo pocket color, snk v capcom match of the millenium
gameboy advance doom 2
n gage tomb raider
ds mario kart ds
psp me and my katamari


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!