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I'm posting this in both the gaming and the Off-Topic forums:

I urge all of you who support the video game journalism integrity to join us on December 3rd. On that day, we will log out of Gamespot and do not visit the site for 24 hours.

For everyone who ask "what is boycotting one day gonna do?" Here is my answer. In the short run, it does nothing. But this is an attempt to get people organized. I don't expect anyone here can just walk away from Gamespot for months. We also need to check back here to see how everyone did and exchange ideas. So this is really an excercise of will. It is a demonstration.

Just like people holding signs outside of government building. The protest don't change anything right away, but the protest sends a message out and when more people hear about us, they might gather together. If we simply sit here and do nothing, no one will hear us and nothing will change.

CNET is a rich company and we cannot expect to have things changed tomorrow. We should think of this as a long term battle, and we need actions that not only has impact, but also can persist. The one day boycott is only the start. We need to show CNET that we, as a community, has the power to band together and stand for what we believe!

Don't forget that, Metacritic,, Movietome, GameFAQs, Gamerankings, filmspot,, and are all part of CNET. Stay off of those sites too.

This boycott is being spread throughout the Gamespot, Actionfaction, and many other sites. There are currently 

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