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I did have pwwt when I got my DBS I did however on accident load this profile while online and it messed with my world tendencies so maybe that nudged world 2 down a tad.

I still need to farm chunks of greystone so maybe I will get lucky and they will drop a pure.

Almost at plat. Got the miracles yesterday. Need to beat world 5 for weapons and spells today. All that is left is bladestone, marrowstone, cloudstone and greystone. If someone would be so kind as letting me borrow those 4 weapons then I could get my plat today but of I have to farm it might be another day or two.

I hate that playing online messes with your WT and I hate the whole have to be in body form to coop, etc. They kinda messed up with the online in those aspects of you ask me. Actually the whole body for
/soul form doesn't make too much sense wither.

Anyway time to eat and start farming stones later.