Damnyouall said:
"My 360 got the RROD today and I'm glad."
Now that's what Microsoft likes to hear.
Really, the title of this thread sounds like a joke. Or brainwashing. You, as a consumer are glad that a device you bought for your own hard-earned money broke so you can get a replacement. Microsoft sold you a badly designed/shoddily built device that broke prematurely. It broke and now have to send it in and will be deprived of it for a while. Please take a step back and try to see the absurdity.
Shouldn't the normal reaction be anger at Microsoft for selling you such a device in the first place as opposed to happiness about them fixing their own mistake for free?
I'm sure he'd be angry if his warranty ran out already but since he gets it repaired for free, Microsoft gets to waste their money because of their poorly designed, failure prone piece of hardware.