iWarMachine said: My view in this subject: I think that Mass effect series will get a release on ps3...why? 1- Many times bioware didn't want to talk about the ps3 version and they gave hints about it. 2- Microsoft had the 1st game rights, but now those rights are owned by EA...EA= Multiplat. 3- Mass effect 2 have a 6 months exclusive contract with EA, that's why bioware can't say anything about it. 4- In e3 2010 we'll have news about this. 5- Mass effect 3 is already in development, but this time for 360,PC & PS3...they'll not give any info about this game until the ps3 announcement, and maybe, on e3, we'll see Tretton talking about a Mass Effect Collection and Mass Effect 3 coming soon to Playstation 3. |
Bioware has a loyalty to Microsoft in that they have a history together. Sony has companies why they have history with (making exclusives) and they don't go making games for the 360 do they? EA is respecting the fact that Bioware had plans with Microsoft. If you want this game buy it on the 360 or PC. You have a choice. The PS3 will never be one of the choices.