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Buyers get first look, Free users get the data on the following day.

Buyers get no ads, free users still get ads.

Buyers get a raffle every year to have a chance to win a free game of their choice, free users do not.

Every year supscription gets you a free vgchartz t-shirt that free users can not have access to, free users do not get one.

On game reviews allow buyers to add their own mini review along with the official review and maybe like a mini forumn within that to discuss that certain game, free users can only view the official game review.

For buyers when you give out the weekly data sit and talk with them and give your insight or input on the week and the trends and maybe make predictions that only they can have the honors of seeing (on the IM or some other feature), for free users none of that.

Just a couple ideas I thought would make the membership worth while to some.


Edit: Is there a way you can get new games early so we can get reviews up and out before the release like sites such as ign? If so that can help bringing in new users, giving us some more credibility, and ultimately giving you some cash in the pocket.