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makingmusic476 said:
Hm, the premium sub should help convince numerous industry people to sign up to the site, which means they could foreseeably post on the forums.

Should this happen, could we have a way to identify them? Either staff/mods being informed of who they are (and told to let it go public or keep it private depending on the person's wishes), or maybe give them a tag noting the company they're affiliated with. Don't force them into it, but give them the option should they choose to make a name for themselves on the site.

On neogaf the various insiders are given quite a bit of credibility, and I would want to see something similar here, lest every informed statement they make be followed by "and how would you know?"

@bugrimmar: Not even us mods can edit thread titles! Though I wish we could.

I rather like this, though it may be a case of putting the cart before the horse