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The complaining about Zelda topic is somewhere else

This is more about voice acting for Link specifically

And yes, Link not having a voice does add something to the game. Your inability to see that doesn't take away from it



Omg Zelda games are perfect and nothing is wrong with them. (sarcasm off)

The reason why I put these complains in that post is to destroy the illusion/delusion that Zelda games are perfect, Heck in regards to the gameplay they are worst than the gameboy zelda games. Thats unacceptable considering that when you have a game on a more capable hardware you should be able to do more for the game than just Motion Control.


And saying:

And yes, Link not having a voice does add something to the game. Your inability to see that doesn't take away from it.

Doesnt mean anything unless you are able to express what it does for the game having a stupid looking character, really do tell because thats something I would like to know.

Really I want to know what you see, as you already know what I SEE.