Honestly unless it comes from Nintendo I don't believe it, the parts in there that are true were taken from the years, like Miyamoto stating the next console Zelda starting development before Twilight Princess released, E3 2008 Miyamoto saying it will be one of the more mature plots that he wouldn't be surprised if it got an M rating, and also after the 2006 release of TP he said it would be built around the controller...
So yeah... sounds real cause its old news... other things sound really crazy and use a lot of "maybe's" and that shows the rumor itself isn't really all that sure of itself I could say that one day maybe the sky will be pure green, crazy, exciting, and if it doesn't happen I can always fall back on "hey I said maybe"
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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