I have 6.5 hours total now and i'm done with the game until I can get the English version [will probably play this version again though since the english version will most likely install a different set of trophies].
There's nothing i'd like to change in the impression with the last two hours. How ever, I think I should mention that the game gets noticably tougher. It also does start to encourage some strategy around the 5 hour mark. However, switching between pure offense and Offensex2/Healer or Offense/Healerx2 when your health is lowering still gets the job done. Still, the increase length in matches does add a bit to the fun. Also, I understand the Crystallium system a bit better and it is indeed just a straight path. There's really no freedom to it.
I'm finding the game quite enjoyable though, but I'm gonna stop here.
4 ≈ One