megaman79 said: Great news, Wonder if Sega and Capcom's ex executives are going to shut up now, probably not. itt:watching G4 radio show - NO mention of COD sales with NPD (what a surprise) |
To be fair that Sega guy wasn't an executive, he was the head of the development team for such blockbuster hits like Iron Man and Golden Axe (PS360, not the awesome retro games) and the Capcom guy was from France, need I say more? jk jk but yeah RE: DSC didn't sell so hot in France so he hopped on the pushing of their HD games with ads and such, he has no control over whats published.
Not really sure what you're trying to imply, honestly I didn't even know until I decided to browse a few game database walls for trolling and saw a few comments on the adjustments, noticed there were no threads on it, and MWR is just a great game so good news for it is always welcome. Plus it gets ignored a lot, much like the previous title, even though its one of the highest selling console CoDs
MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"
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