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What? Electronics run on batteries? SINCE WHEN!

What? To have two players playing at the same time I have to have TWO controllers? SINCE WHEN!!

What? A game advertised with little plastic guitars, mics, and drums cost 100 dollars? WTF SINCE WHEN!!!

That's what I got from this article... I wonder if he's ever had to buy anything electronic before, I can only imagine the possibilities.

What? You mean RC cars have to have special batteries sold separately for well more than 20 dollars? And TV remotes need AA batteries, plus the TV needs to be repaired if something goes out? Eating at a fancy restaurant means I have to pay 15% extra on anything I buy? What's with all of these hidden costs!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000