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Interesting direction, I am personally withholding judgement until I see how the 3.0 site pans out - but in the meantime do have one question.

Will the paying members get an ad-free or ad-reduced site? One possibility might be to break up your advertising market into game, and non-game related. And at the least remove the non-game related advertisements for paying subscribers.

Speaking for myself here, I would not mind still seeing tasteful, game related ads or campaigns to a certain extent - but without going into unneeded detail, I do believe that certain ads and ad providers that have been used/displayed are a blight on the site.

If a paid membership eliminated the "trash ads", I personally would be more inclined to subscribe.

Also, as an aside, I think you could do better with a lot of your advertising. I am aware of several game and electronics industry related ads and partner programs that at least some other sites have been very successful with. While I understand that what works for some may not work for you, I am still surprised when I do come across some "trash ads" and wonder to myself if they could really be more profitable on this site than ads and ad partnerships that would actually target the sites primary demographic.
