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Eomund said:
Final-Fan said:
Eomund said:

Kamekazai, if you give money to support the fight, then you support the fight. If you ideologically disagree with the fight, yet still give you are not being honest with yourself.

So because you pay your taxes, you support Medicare, Social Security, etc.?

I pay my taxes so I do not get sent to Jail by the IRS. I do not support the government running those programs, and I want them removed from the government budget. But because the programs are there and people "depend" on them I simply will not rip it out from under them. They must be given benchmarks to improve themselves if they can. I don't apply this to handicapped people. Though everyone should give themselves benchmarks to improve themselves in life. Social Security is going backrupt and any attempt to fix it seems to backfire. Medicare is inefficent and the doctors who accept Medicare coverage get pennies on the dollar in payment for their services.

I want the government to shrink to the smallest size if a century. But expanding the power and influence of the federal government is the way politicians, on both sides I might add, stay in power. They create more government dependency which keeps people down, since they get free handouts why would they want to give that up? Not everyone currently depending on the government will stay down, but the majority will. When you take incentive to work away, people don't work.

Politicans cannot keep their hands out of my wallet, that is why I support the FairTax.  

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