...that many people think Zelda Wii will sell over 10 million?
I know there were a few problems with Twilight Princess, but over-hype was still a problem as well. Please don't let it happen again. 10 million for a Zelda game is possible. Slightly, but possible if they really, really do it right with the help of Motion+. They really have to make it more action-involved. Theres no other way - and it needs to be engaging, and not incredibly easy. I will be extremely disappointed in Zelda Wii if it isn't revolved around combat enough, and it really feels like Miyamoto and Aonuma may not even be considering this. Will we ever be heard?
I don't think any of the big 3 titles next year will make it past 10 million. Metroid will sell about 2 million, Zelda Wii about 6-8 million. Super Mario Galaxy will probably make it to 8 million sometime.