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ioi said:

This isn't mean to be trying to squeeze money out of people or to be greedy or to slap anyone in the face. In order to continue to make the data more accurate and to improve on what we do and make the service more professional we need to take these steps. Banner ads can support news activity or forum activity but the amount of work involved in putting the data together each week is highly involved and the nature of it is that there are a lot of people who want to see top line stuff (i.e what you get for free), a number of harcore people who like to see data in some detail (standard membership) and a small number of people who use the data for business purposes and need access to the complete data set with the ability to manipulate it how they want (premium membership).

As most of you have said, you only read the top 50 games anyway so don't care much for the idea of a standard membership, whereas some of you do like the idea of having more access and more tools and would be willing to pay, and some people out there are willing to pay a lot for total access - therefore the costing model works.



The site grew enormously in the first 2 years but in the last 18 months the growth has slowed. Only so many people are interested in sales data and we have them here already. VGC 3.0 is a four-sided approach to growth, what has been described so far is just one of those.

At the end of the day, this data is costly and work-intensive to produce. By rights, you're lucky that you currently have free access to it all - no other data organisation provides this. I personally don't think $5-8 per month or whatever we decide upon will be a lot to ask for access to the top 200 games and top 50 per platform along with the new additions I have listed (many more of which are also being planned).

I fully understand that some people won't like this new direction - who does want to pay for something that is currently free - but it is the direction we need to take in order to continue to grow.

please consider the free/premium model. Thank you!!!