BrandonM said: They WANT TO SELL 10 MILLION COPIES AND THERES NO CHANCE IN HELL.....without going muilt-platform of course and even then it's not going to happen:( |
Its not the number of platforms that gets a game to such great sales. Its the quality of the game and word of mouth. Just because you are on multiple systems doesnt mean the game will be insta 10million. THe game will sell the same amount it would have sold if it stayed exclusive. That holds true for DMC, Tekken(which actually had a HUGE dropbut its still early), AND GTAIV. There is no clause saying these games will magically sell more copies then they would have any othere way. Shit, the series has been selling less and less since 7, with a spike like it not being seen again till 10. I have a feeling this game will sell on par or even less then 12. What will SE have to show for the move then?
Greatness Awaits
PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)